Kick It Old School
Insight: Vintage fashion is gaining popularity because the trend of thrifting is revealing that apparel is not, “made like it used to be.”
Solution: Leverage Converse’s classic design, which has not changed much since the beginning, to show that the brand has stayed consistent with its quality.
AD: Alexis Rodriguez
New Shoe Designs
We created shoe designs based on three 8-bit style videogames: Pacman, Donkey Kong, and Space Invaders. Converse comes out with specialty designs on occasion, so we designed shoes that not only embody the brand's aesthetic, but bring vintage back into the spotlight.

We created these shoe boxes as a result of an insight that consumers who are interested in shoe designs like to have collectors' items.
(Designed by me)

In-store Setup

Youtube Pre-roll

New York Times Banner Ads
Execution with sound
Execution with sound
Execution with sound
Landing Page
Event Activation/Challenge

Caption: Here’s a blast from the past! Converse is bringing retro video games back, and you can join in on the fun, at our Kick It with Converse event coming to a city near you. We’re bringing pop-up arcades to major cities around the country where you can play Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Space Invaders until your hands cramp. The top four high scorers of each game will receive a custom package, including pairs of our new Old School Kicks.
Save your quarters for a rainy day because this event is completely free. Just bring your vintage vibe and competitive spirit to #KickItOldSchool. See ya there! 🤩🏅🎮

Winner Package

User-generated Content