Do more. NOTHANGOVER.​​​​​​​

Challenge: No one knows who we are, or what NotHangover does.
Insight: Hangovers waste limited time.
Solution: NotHangover gets you your time back while feeling good.
AD: Emily Chiu
Case Study Video
Introductory OOH

To spread awareness of NotHangover and what it can do, we placed interactive billboards in areas frequented by people who drink: bars, liquor stores, hangover-cure breakfast chains, etc. Those who walk up can receive a NotHangover coupon. Activities will be checked off after every coupon is taken.
These OOH demonstrate all that consumers are missing out on when they waste time being hungover.
Social Media Challenge
We are challenging our audience to share their funny/embarrassing hangover stories demonstrating how being hungover inconvenienced them. By using our hashtag they are entered for a chance to win a free product so they never have to suffer through a hangover again. the winners will also have their picture and story featured on our next OOH.
Caption: Too hungover so just scrolling through Instagram in bed? Is that you or does that sound familiar? Tell us something you wish you were doing instead of dreading the hangover by using our hashtag #DoMoreNOTHANGOVER. 5 lucky winners will have a chance to redeem themselves since we're giving away free NOTHANGOVERs so you never feel crappy after a night out. Entries close this Sunday so no time to waste!
Audience submissions
OOH from audience submission content
PR Stunt
In a highly populated area (Central Park for example) NotCo will have two people in an interactive enclosure for 18 hours (the amount of time NotHangover lasts). One person does nothing, demonstrating the issue of being hungover. The other is constantly doing activities that the audience can suggest after scanning the QR code.
Social and Influencer Partnerships
PR Packages for Influencers 
(with a drinking game)
We wanted to partner with Uber and Spotify to reach a younger millennial audience.
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