Like a Micronesian
Challenge: Convince travelers that Micronesia is the new go-to destination.
Insight: Micronesia, although the name means “tiny island” in Greek, has 2,100 islands, five time zones, and limitless culture for tourists to explore.
Solution: Show potential tourists exploring new cultures is easy through Micronesian Menotors leading the way.
AD: Fiona Fang
Airport OOH
Two major obstacles that travelers face when vetting new locations are how they will get there, and if they will be able to safely spend money. We leveraged the Island Hopper Route, which is the only flight that goes through the islands of Micronesia, and United's respected travel card to put consumers at ease.

New York Times Banner Ads
We placed banner ads on New York Times travel articles to get tourists excited about a new travel destination. We are showing them a sneak peek into the rich culture they would experience in Micronesia by teaching them a bit about the Micronesian Mentors. Each ad has a reminder that a mentor will be available to teach them how to live like a Micronesian.

Landing Page
The purpose of this landing page is to further inform tourists about the amazing sights and experiences Micronesia has to offer. The "Like a Micronesian" section has the profiles of each Micronesian Mentor so tourists can see firsthand how much they can learn about the culture by visiting with the mentors. This page will help tourists form a relationship with the mentors, while also demonstrating how much simpler cultural integration is with someone to help.
Micronesian Mentor Instagram Takeovers

Post 1: “Hello everyone my name is Emeliana. I’m taking over Instagram today to show you my favorite place in the world, Ongeim'l Tketau, or Jellyfish Lake! With no natural predators, these tiny jellyfish evolved to have no stinging defense, which makes them completely safe to swim with. Not to mention that they are so adorable! Everyone’s swimming with dolphins these days. I encourage you to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Hit me up if you find yourself in Palau and I’ll teach you how to hold one. #LikeaMicronesian #PalauPals”
Post 2: “Hi I’m Akira! I’m here to demonstrate to you Sra lo tol, a men's stick dance that originated in Kosrae. My father taught me to dance when I was three years old and I have been following the call of the music ever since. This form of dance is always performed at ceremonies and parties and it is my honor to be able to bring such delight to my friends and family. I am extremely excited about the opportunity to bring Sra lo tol to all of you, so when you get to Kosrae give me a holler. You’ll find me where the music is. #LikeaMicronesian #feelthemusic #dancelikenoneswatching”
Social Media Challenge
An important national holiday for Micronesia is Micronesia Culture Day which celebrates the wide breadth of culture Micronesia has to offer. We are expanding to a week and branding it as, "Like a Micronesian Week," as a challenge to entice tourists to visit. Followers are encouraged to post themselves perfecting a piece of Micronesian culture and use our hashtag. Five winners will get an all-expense paid vacation to Micronesia, but anyone is welcome to visit for the festivities.

Social media countdown to get everyone excited for the celebratory week

Winner Package